Sunday, September 24, 2017

It Starts with the Egg

What is It Starts with the Egg.....

It is a book published by Rebecca Fett  explaining the science of egg quality and how it can help you get pregnant, prevent miscarriages and improve your odds with IVF.

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 I don't even remember how I found out about this book, wait I am sure it was in a facebook support group. Shortly after my first round of IVF failed, I found out about this book and decided I wanted to read it to learn more about egg quality. Let me be honest, I am a big fan of reading, so I downloaded the book on adubile for FREE,  listened to it on  a trip to and from Charlotte, NC (6 hours each way) and then purchased it later to reference back too.

 If  it's something you are interested in. I purchased a copy from Amazon Click here to find the book on amazon

When I was listening to this book, I found some the things the book suggested doing, where things I was already doing and then other things where easy changes I could make. The book is based on tons of studies done though out the world some are human base others are mice based.

The book has a basic plan for anyone trying to get pregnant and then adds on additional recommendation for those who have PCOS, Recurrent Miscarriages and Trying to conceive through IVF with diminished Ovarian Reserve. I am going to give you a brief review of the plan but I recommend if you are going through infertility, you purchase the book and decided for yourself what you think will work for you. There even a section about male infertility. 

The Basic Plan:
  • Take a Daily Prenatal Vitamin - Most people know to take a prenatal vitamin. It suggested to take at least 3 months prior to trying to conceive. The benefits of taking this vitamin are to protect eggs and reduce birth defects. Recommends a prenatal with 800 mcg in folic acid. I have been on a pernatal vitamin steadily since January.
  • Take a CoQ10 Supplement - This supplement enhances energy production inside developing eggs and possibly prevent chromosomal errors. The most effective form is a form of CoQ10 called Ubiquinol and it suggested you take 100 mg in the morning with breakfast. I take 600 mg of CoQ10. That was what the IVF clinic I started with prescribed, so I have continued taking it since January. I did switch to the Ubiquinol version for a couple months but that is much more expensive than the CoQ10 and I had some ovarian cyst so I step back down the non Unbiquinol version in case that was the cause of the cyst. I will talk more about that issue in another blog. 
  • Reduce your exposure to BPA - BPA stands for Bisphenol A and it compromises egg quality and fertility. It can be found in most everyday items from food containers to paper receipts. 
    • Ways to eliminate BPA 
      • Do not to use plastic cups,bowls, food storage containers. Use glass, stainless steel, wood, or ceramic.
      • Stay away from polycarbonate, its usually marked with a 7 in the triangle
      • Avoid Can Foods,  and Plastic Take Out Containers
      • Look for products that say BPA Free, but consider hand washing theses items if they need washing to avoid releasing other toxic chemicals.
  • Minimize exposure to Phthalates -- Phthalates can impair egg quality and fertility. It is widely used in soft plastic, cleaning supplies, vinyl, nail polish ,cosmetics, hairspray, lotions, pre packaged foods, perfumes and other fragrances. Choose organic or items packaged in glass when you can.
  • Reduce Refined Carbohydrates and Sugar - Focus on a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, minimally processed grains, olive oils, nuts and lean proteins. This is probably the one I struggle the most with. I love sugary foods. 
I have made the biggest changes in trying to eliminate BPA and Phthalates. I have replaced my toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, face cleaner, lotion, laundry detergent. I now store my food in glass containers, drink out of glasses made of glass, and water bottles that says BPA free. I will post the links at the bottom of this post from where I am purchasing these products from, If your interested in as well.  As my cosmetics run out and my cleaning supplies I plan to move over to more all natural alternatives.

Advanced Plan: Trying to Conceive through IVF with Diminished Ovarian Reserve
  • Increase your amount of CoQ10 Supplement - Take 300 mg Ubiquinol (more potent version) or 600 mg of CoQ10 (less potent version).
  • Take one or more additional Antioxidant - Suggested to be taken 3 months prior to starting IVF.
    • Vitamin E  - Take 200 IU but not more than 300 IU.  Some vitamin E already exist in most prenatal so take that into consideration when adding additional Vitamin E. This vitamin is thought to have beneficial effects on egg quality. I have not increased the amount of Vitamin E at this time only because it was not prescribed in my first IVF cycle, but I am considering increasing it.
    •  Vitamin C - Could help in preventing some of the age related decline in ovarian function. The book suggest  taking 500 IU. The studies used for this book found the greatest results for women under age 35 and are of a healthy weight. I have not increased my vitamin C. I am getting some vitamin C from my prenatal but based on the book I may need more than 500 IU to see a difference and that not a guarantee.
    • Alpha-lipoic acid - It suggested to take between 100 mg to 600 mg per day. This is another vitamin that may improve egg quality. I have not taken this one only because it was not prescribed when I first started IVF.
  • Take DHEA - This helps to increase egg numbers and prevent chromosomal  errors in eggs. Suggested to take 25 mg 3 times a day. Begin this 3 months prior to IVF. I do follow this recommendation only because I was already doing this previously. 
  • Take Melatonin -To be started the day your GnRH antagonist shots start. It is suggested to take a 3mg before bed. This is another vitamin to help with poor egg quality.
  • Be tested for Under active Thryoid - This is a common cause of diminished ovarian reserve in younger women.
  • Have your Male Partner take a multivitamin Supplement

Like I mentioned there so much more in the book than I even touched on, so it is worth purchasing the book to learn more about how theses items affect egg quality and fertility. I ask myself all the time is it really worth it to make all theses changes as there no guarantee that this will work, but the way I see it is it can't hurt. If it works it was worth it, if it does not then my body is healthier than it was before.

Below is links to the where I purchase the products from and why:

Its Start with the Egg Book from Amazon: Link Here

Researching through the EWG website and Think Dirty App about all the toxins in everyday products. I decided I wanted to replace more and more products with natural ones. Theses sites test the cancer causing ingredients, the reproductive issues, allergies, etc.  The links to each are below.

EWG is a website that checks the toxic in skin products: Link Here

 Think Dirty App:  Click here to learn about the app. 

Lemongrass Spa Products:After trying their deodorant and loving it. I knew I wanted to try more products. I have purchased other products from other companies in the past and what I found that I liked about Lemongrass was their products where reasonably priced compared to other companies.  I took the plunge with Lemongrass and order my entire bathroom line from them facial care line, lotion, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, foundation, etc. I also decide to begin selling Lemongrass. One reason was you only have to sell $25 a month to stay active. My thought process was I would probably be spending that anyway, why not get the benefits from it. It would also be a great way to help pay the high cost of IVF. If your interested in trying Lemongrass, I would  be honored, if you would shop with me. Here is the link to my site.   My Lemongrass Site

Young Living is all about essential oils and products made from essential oils. This is where I purchase my toothpaste, and laundry detergent. They have household cleaner and fruit/veggie wash which I plan to try next. I have also purchased body wash, shampoos, and conditioner here. I am on the essential rewards program where I spend $50 a month and get rewards to use towards products in the future. Young Living has a wide variety of products and are adding additional products regularly. The products are 100% chemical free, but the products are pricey.

  You have to be a member to purchase from their website. They have 2 types of memberships: a retail customer membership and a member membership where you can earn free products and save 24%.   I am including my member number, if you would like to use my number as the person who referred you.  You can enter my member number as your sponsor and/or enroller. My number is 10477153.   Join as a member link

The Next post will be back to the normal type of updates about what I am personally going through in the world of IVF, but I did want to share this post so that, if someone else going through IVF found this blog that it might help them as well with additional options to try.