Sunday, October 22, 2017

Round 2 - Cancelled

We started our second round of IVF with a meeting at the Jones Institute with their IVF coordinator on August 2, 2017. The lady's name was Valerie and she was great at walking you through their process and what to expect. Then We signed a bunch of documents stating what our intention where with any left over embryos and that we would not hold The Jones Institute liable for any natural disaster that caused our embryos to be damaged. At the end of the meeting, I was to get some additional documents sent over from my previous clinic and Valerie was going to work on ordering my medicine when the documents where received.   I told her I had not had a period in 45 days, so I had no idea when my period would start. She said she would discuss this with Dr. Bocca and more than likely if I did not start by August 17 they would prescribe some medicine to begin my period.

When I left, I knew I was to call when I saw signs of my period starting or on August 17th. Well I started spotting the very next day. I called Valerie and said should I even attempt to do this in August. I don't even have my medicine yet. Valerie said if I wanted to do it, then she could get the medicine ordered and delivered before I need to start taking them in the next 2 says. I said Ok lets do it. The mad dash began. Valerie located a doctor in the practice to sign off on the medicine and sent it over to Mandel's Pharmacy. Mandel's which was closing for the night stayed late and process the order to get it in the mail that night. The medicine was delivered the very next day (Friday) and I was to go for my initial IVF round appointment the following day (Saturday).

Saturday arrived and I started the drive from NC to Norfolk, VA about 1.5 hours from my home. My husband had a job to do so I went alone.No big deal to me, I am a pretty independent person. The closer I got to the clinic the more emotional I got. Would this time turn out like the last time? What if it did not work again? Did I really want to go through that pain again? I thought I could spare myself all this pain and just accept the fact that I won't have a child, but the thought of not giving it my all to have a child, is worse than protecting myself from pain caused by going through IVF.

As I arrived at the Norfolk Jones Institute location, I was curious to see how this appointment would differ from my 1st IVF cycle appointment with my previous clinic. It started out the same with blood work and then onto the ultra sound room. But the ultra sound room was slightly different. One thing I really liked was the tv screen on the wall so you could see the ultra sound results live while the tech was doing the ultra sound. Dr. Bocca could see from the Ultra  sound that I had a cyst on one ovary and a collapsed cyst on the other ovary. She assured me that this was normal cyst, come and go, but more than likely we would need to delay the IVF cycle till my next period to give the cyst time to collapse and go away. They would make the final decision once they received the results from my blood work. If the blood work was ok for me to move forward then an email would be sent telling me to check the online portal. If the blood work came back that I need to wait till next time then someone would call me. Later that afternoon the phone call came that I needed to wait till next time. Round 2 lasted a whole 2 days. Now we wait till the next time my period starts, fingers crossed that will be in September.