Sunday, November 12, 2017

Round 3 is a Go

To start again I had to wait for my period to begin. That finally happen on September 18th and my first visit back to the Jones Institute was on September 20th to see if the cyst where gone and whether or not I could move forward with this round of IVF. I was doubtful that I would be able to proceed with this round, based on the way my body was feeling, it felt very similar to the previous month. To my surprise the doctor said everything looked good. One cyst was complete gone and the other had collapsed so we had the green light to move forward.

On this visit they took a vial of blood, did an ultrasound.had me talk with the billing department and talk with the IVF coordinator nurse to teach me how to use my medicine. The Jones institute is taking a very low does medicine approach in a hope to be able to get better quality eggs not necessarily more eggs.

At this base line appointment I had 5 Follicles each at 5mm (3 in the left ovary and 2 in the right ovary).

Here is the breakdown of the Medicine I am taking this time

Taken each night between 5-7 pm
  • Gonal F (shot) 450
  • Menopur (shot) 150 
  • Certotide (shot)
  •  Prenatal Vitamin
 Not prescribed by Jones but I am still taking it, since it was prescribed by The New Hope Center and was talked about the benefits in the book Its starts with the Egg.
  • COQ 10 - 3 for a total of 600 mg
  • Baby Aspirin- 1=81 mg
  • DHEA -1in the am 2 in the pm

The Appointments after the baseline appointment are pretty quick they start with blood  being drawn and then an ultra sound. Below is a list of the my appointments during the follicle growing process.
  • Friday 9/22/17 - My follicles had grown to 4 in the left ovary ranging in size from 5 to 8mm and 3 in the right ovary  ranging in size from 7 to 9mm. 
  • Monday 9/25/17 - My follicles had grown to 5 in the left ovary ranging in size from 7 to 11 mm and 3 in the right ovary ranging in size from 7 to 11 mm.
  • Wednesday 9/27/17 - My follicles had grown to 5 in the left ovary ranging in size from 9 to 15 mm and 4 in the right ovary ranging in size 9 to 13 mm.
  • Friday 9/29/17 - My follicles had grown to 5 in the left ovary ranging in size from 11 to 13 mm and 4 in the right ovary ranging in size 12 to 20 mm. At this appointment the doctor was concerned that there would not be enough follicle to get to the 18mm range to move forward with the egg retrieval. The doctor said to come back tomorrow and they would make a final decision.
  • Saturday 9/30/17 - My follicles had grown to 4 in my left ovary ranging in size from 11 to 15 mm and 4 in my right ovary ranging in size from 12 to 13 mm. The doctor was happy with the results today as said the cycle would not be cancelled.
  • Sunday 10/1/17 - My follicles had grown 4 in the left ovary ranging in size from 14 to 17 mm and 5 in the right ovary ranging in size from 12 to 18 mm. I was told to take the Trigger Shot at 10 pm later that night at this appointment. The trigger shot tells your body to ovulate.
  • Monday 10/2/17- This was my last appointment before egg retrieval to make sure my follicles where ready  My follicles had grown to 5 in my left ovary ranging in size from 15 to 18 mm and 3 in my left ovary ranging in size from 18 to 19 mm. We where good to go and where told to come back tomorrow morning at 7am.