Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Switching to Egg Donation

This journey has been such a growing process. We are now going down paths, that a year ago, I was against even the idea of doing. Early in 2017 when I found out people litterally gave away their potential unborn children (embryo adoption), I was like that crazy. I would never do that. But when you get to the point that we are at you take these alternative options into serious consideration, your mind opens up and you start consider things you never would of before.

I don't remember exactly when, but one night in late Spring 2018 as I sat on the sofa chatting with my husband, kinda whining about no one responding to our search for embryo adoption. My husband made a comment about not really being a part of this process, because we would use some one else embryos and I would carry the baby.

That got me thinking, I love my husband and his cutting up personality, why would I not want our child to be part of him even if it could not be part of me. He has great qualities and our child would be lucky to be like him. Previously, when the idea was first presented to me.  I was jealous of the thought of having a baby that would be half my husbands and half someone else. What if I could not connect with the child? What if I did not love the child?

Theses type of questions made me want to avoid the option of egg donation, but that is where facebook groups have been helpful. I can read where people ask the same questions I am thinking but am to scared to ask. So many people responded that when you give birth to the child you will fall in love with the child and it will not cross your mind the way it was made or who biologically made the child. 

After that night, I decided to open my mind up to the idea of egg donation and began by adding our name to the Jones Institutes wait list. They said there list was as long as the embryo adoption list. That told me we would not be moving forward anytime soon.

Its funny how facebook puts in front of you the things that on your mind. Repeatedly, I saw post, sponsored ads, etc that had to do with the New Hope Center and how they had embryos to be adopted and donor eggs. I wrestled with the idea of calling them and felt a little guilty for considering going back to them when I had switch clinics before. But I finally broke down and made the call to setup an appointment.

My husband and I met with Dr Robin of the New Hope Center in the beginning of June 2018. She told us they offered 4 options:

  1. Embryo Adoption - they had embryos that where Caucasian and that they adopt 2 at a time . 
  2. Egg  Donor - Full Cycle, We pick the donor and would get all the eggs retrieved
  3. Egg Donor - Split Cycle - We would partner with another couple and split the number of eggs retrieved. 
  4.  Frozen Egg Donors - We would get eggs that have already been retrieved and are current frozen. 
We decided to do option 2- Egg Donor- Full Cycle.