Thursday, March 16, 2017


We had our follow up appointment with Dr. Robins on Monday 3/13/17. Dr. Robins was so patient, kind and not in hurry at all as she explained the issues I face and the options we have moving forward.

The issues I face are as followed:
  1. Age - 35 and older (I will be 36 next week)
  2. Low Ovarian Reserves (Not a lot of Eggs to use)
  3. Severe Cervical Stenosis (Narrowing of the cervix)
  4. Tubal Factor (Blocked Left Fallopian Tube almost completely blocked right tube) 
  5.  Poor Quality Eggs (causing zero fertilization) 
  6. Infections in the cervix and uterus (medicine prescribed to clear this up)
  1. Try again with different medication/protocol
  2. Use a  Donors Egg with Don's sperm to create an embryo that I would carry 
  3. Use a donated embryo and then I would carry the embryo
  4. Adoption 

There a lot to think about with all theses options. But,The first step is to pay off the roughly $13,000 that we put on credit cards. The good news is we are getting about $7,400 back from the clinic.  That will be a huge help in paying off that debt.

Right now we are leaning towards trying the IVF Process one more time. I have been listening to an audio version of It Starts with the Egg about producing better quality eggs. I would like to see, if I follow the plan could I improve my egg quality. I am not sure yet as to when we would start the process again. However this plan could change because we are still weighing all the options presented to us.

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