Thursday, September 27, 2018

Added to Embryo Adoption List, Now we wait

I am working on catching you all up to where we are in our journey current day, but to get there I have to share with you what been going on since our last post.

After our last failed IVF attempt with the Jones Institute and based on our follow up appointment, We  came to the decision to move forward with adopting an embryo. We made this decision for a couple reason:

  1.  My eggs are crap and can not make viable embryos, 
  2. Adopting an embryo is much cheaper than traditional adoption
  3. and based on cost, we could move forward with embryo adoption quicker than any other option. 

We then contacted the Jones Institute to be added to the wait list for Embryo Adoption. To get on the list we needed to fill out a questionnaire that asked us questions about our self: like Hair color, skin color, eye color, height, weight, etc. We then where asked to write down which characteristics where the most important to us for the Jones Institute match when choosing an embryo. We only asked that they match our skin color. We live in a small town with old time values. I feel that people would already have a hard time accepting/understanding that we are trying to bring a baby into this world that not genetically ours. If we ended up giving birth to a baby that did not match our skin color that would just cause unnecessary drama for us and the baby. It just easier on everyone, if the skin color matched.  By choosing only one characteristics we hoped that would allow us to be matched quickly.

We turned in our completed questionnaire in December 2017 and where added to the wait list. At that time the current wait list was projected to be about 6 months.  The importance of the questionnaire is to be used in the matching process. You may be wondering where the embryos come from. Other families who have used Jones Institute and have gone on to have healthy babies, may have additional frozen embryos that they don't plan to use. They can choose to donate their embryos to the embryo adoption program to help other families who are struggling to become parents.

 As we played the waiting game to be matched. We decided to go ahead full the requirement of meeting with a psychologist. As part of embryo adoption process, you are required to have a counseling session with a psychologist. You don't choose your own psychologist, they refer you to someone who specialize in fertility counseling.  We made our appointment in December and went in for a visit. I was fearful that the psychologist was judging us to make sure we would be good candidates for this program, but that not what happens at all. She just explained to us how the program worked, answered any questions we had and encouraged us to always be open and honest with the child/children about the way they where conceived.

Then we waited and waited for the Jones Institute to call with our match. During this time we continued to pay down our credit card debt from our last failed IVF attempt. Around April I called in for an update on the wait list and found out that not many previous patients where donating their embryos and they where not sure when an embryo would be available for adoption. This was pretty depressing, it felt like another slap in the face.

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