Sunday, February 19, 2017

Week 2 - More of the Same

Week 2 is in the books!!

Week 2 followed the same vitamin (20 pills a day) and shot regiment (5 shots a day) as week 1, except  with more doctor visits than the previous week. This week continued the egg growing process. The goal is to get as many eggs to grow and get to the mature size of 16 millimeter (the size of a walnut). 

My first doctor visit of the week was on Valentine's Day 2/14/17. 
  • It started with blood work. Only 1 vial this trip, thank goodness. 
  • Next up was an ultrasound to determine how many eggs there where and the size of them. I had 5 eggs all together and they ranged in size from 4 to 6 millimeters. This is the worst part of  each visit. The ultrasound is similar to getting a pap smear and that is never fun. 
  • Next was a meeting with Dr. Robin who will do the egg retrieval and  Hysteroscopy the following week. A  Hysteroscopy is a procedure that allows the doctor to see the inside of the uterus (womb). She will be looking to see if there is any issues that may exist that would cause the embryos to not implant on transfer day. During our meeting she had me sign consignment forms and went over pre and post surgery instructions. The actual date of theses 2 procedures will not be determined till early next week.
  •  The last meeting of the visit was with the clinical staff. The clinical staff meeting communicates any changes in medication dosages which I did not have any changes.Both the clinical staff and Dr. Robin said my eggs and size where normal and what to be expected at this stage of the process.
The nice part about having a doctors appointment in Virginia on Valentines Day was getting to spend the entire day with my husband. We where able to go see a movie after the doctors visit, walk around Lyhaven Mall, enjoyed lunch out and then finished the night off with dinner at the restaurant where we were married. The funniest part of the night was giving myself my 7:05pm Micro Lupreon shot in the bathroom at the restaurant. lol

The 2nd Doctor Visit of the week was on Friday 2/17/17.
  • Bloodwork - 2 vials this trip. 1 to test liver functions and I am not sure what the other vial was to test. 
  • Ultrasound- 8 eggs total, Size ranging from 4-12 millimeters. 
  • Clinical Staff Meeting - No changes to medication doses. 
Another funny shot story-I went to a fundraiser event Saturday night. I was all dressed up in my nice dress and 7:05 pm rolls around. I went to the bathroom to give my self a shot in the bathroom stall. While in the stall there was no where to sit my purse or shot. I was trying to sit down in the bathroom stall while trying to pull up my dress and my panty hose down when the shot fell on the floor and rolled under the bathroom stall door. Of course the bathroom had about 2-3 women in it at the time. I can only imagine what was running through their mind when they saw a syringe roll under the door. lol

The 3rd Doctor Visit of the week was on Sunday 2/19/17. I was very surprised to have an appointment on a Sunday and at 9am in the morning on top of that.
  • Bloodwork -  1 vial this time, but it was a new nurse and she struggled finding a good vein to draw blood from. She tried inside bend of my right elbow with no luck. Looked at the left inside elbow and decided the top of hand was the best spot. My veins are not the greatest, so I am not surprised when someone struggles. It was nice with the previous nurse as she had learned how to get the blood she needed as painless as possible. I hope she back on  Tuesday.
  • Ultrasound - I am up to 9 eggs but they have not grown as large as I had hoped. The range is between 4-13 millimeters. I have to go back next Tuesday for another update appointment. I had hope that my next visit would be the egg retrieval procedure, but I guess I am trying to rush the process quicker than my body says it should go.
  • Clinical Staff Meeting - No changes to medication doses, but I am starting to worry as the medicine is beginning to run out. I have already had to order 1 extra dose of Menopur on Friday and will have to order another dose on Monday. The follistim will run out in the next 3 days and that is very expensive medicines. I have my fingers crossed and will say a couple extra prayers that my eggs get to the 16 millimeters size by next appointment in 2 days.


  1. Where are you going in VA? Praying for you. Keep us updated.

    1. I go to the New Hope Center in Virginia Beach.
